Blair Adjusting Technique
The Blair Technique to Chiropractic Care.
Upper cervical chiropractic is a specific approach, analysis and adjusting procedure used by a very small percentage of practicing chiropractors. In fact, Dr. Trader is only the second Blair upper cervical chiropractor in Wisconsin! There are only a few different techniques that utilize similar precision work, including: N.U.C.C.A, Knee Chest, Atlas Orthogonal and Grostic. At Yellow Wood Chiropractic, Blair upper cervical is the primary technique employed.
Blair adjustments consist of an advanced toggle-recoil which equates to a brief, gentle touch on the side of the upper neck while lying in neutral, side posture position.
Most patients are amazed at how slight the adjustment is, yet how significant its impact can be.
Patients are objectively evaluated post-adjustment and then moved to our resting area. Post-adjustment rest allows the body to accommodate and enhances the specific correction.
Your body can heal itself; sometimes it just needs a little boost in the right direction.